
Friday, August 13, 2010

Experiencing the Old West in Cody, Wyoming

I’ve been having a grand time here in Cody this week, despite a lot of inclement weather. So far, I’ve managed to tour the Buffalo Bill Cody Historical Center. It is a huge complex of five different museums.

A monument of Buffalo Bill Cody. Quite an amazing man who founded this town.

I took an interesting, narrated trolley ride around the town to learn about it’s history.

I visited the infamous Irma Hotel, that Bill Cody built and named after his daughter.

Each night, they hold a re-enactment of an old west gunfight. They actually close off a street to perform and roll their props right out into the street.

The opening ceremony begins with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Then the fun begins!

I visited the Old Trail Town, which consists of 26 old original buildings dating from 1879 to 1901. There is also an extensive collection of antiques from the Wyoming frontier.

There is a cemetary on site for some of the original frontiersmen.

Here is a unique antler stack that was on display.

I have yet to see a moose this summer, so this is as close as I’ve come. There was a head on display here.

Same with the Big Horn sheep. I’ve seen a lot of signs, but never saw one in the wild. So, there was an exhibit of them in town and I got to see some that way ;)

Then tonight, I took myself to the Cody Cattle Co. for an all you can eat Stagecoach buffet of beef, chicken, baked potatoes, beans, ceasar salad, cole slaw, corn bread, apple sauce and brownies for dessert! ;)

Here’s a shot of the dining room. I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture of the buffet or my plate, but take my word for it. It was good! ;)

After all that, I’m still not finished yet. I'm going to stay a couple of extra days here. Love this place and the adventurous spirit of the old west!


  1. Sharon, I love your pictures. Cody was my favorite town. If you get the chance, you should go white water rafting too. A side trip up the Bear Tooth is not to be missed and is not really that far. Have fun.

  2. Thank you Karen :) I love Cody too! Wish I had more time here. A week is just not enough to do it all. I was busy the whole time. And you were so right about Beartooth! Thanks again :)

